Benefits of electric yachts

The development of alternative drives has been progressing rapidly for years. While electric drives are already part of the everyday life of cars and bikes, the boating industry is also adopting this trend. Particularly in view of climate change, this development is more important than ever before. 

While for decades there was hardly any alternative to the conventional combustion engines, nowadays more and more boats are being equipped with electric propulsion systems.  

The significant advantages electric boats have will be discussed in this article:  

Less noise and smell
Electric boat owners and passengers can enjoy the boating experience and cruise completely quiet, odorless and emission-free through the water. This allows them to fully concentrate on the nature and the fun of driving, while at the same time protecting the environment. 

More freedom

Electric boats offer the freedom and access to all the places the boat owners want to go. In more and more locations like Fjords in Norway and other environmental protected areas, diesel bans are imposed. It can be assumed that further areas will be added. With electric boats there is no need to worry about restricted areas.  

Less maintenance
The electric drive system requires less maintenance due to the robust and reliable eletric motor. There are no oil changes needed and the wear and tear is significantly lower compared to combustion engines, which results in lower operating costs. 

Greater Efficiency
Electric boat systems can use the energy up to three times more efficient than common propulsion systems. 

Large energy storage
Boats with electric propulsion system have a large energy storage. The electrical energy is always ready for various needs like the propulsion, the on-board kitchen and the on-board power supply. The batteries can be continuously charged by the solar panels on the roof, which can result in self-sufficient boating.  

Despite the advantages, the biggest prejudice against electric boats is the fear of a reduced range and safety of the high-voltage batteries. These prejudices are outdated since nowadays the HV-lithium batteries include an efficient Battery Management System (BMS). This system constantly monitors the battery status and protects it from too high temperature, too deep discharge or overcharging.
In this way, safety is guaranteed throughout the operation.

In terms of the range, intelligent systems enable a precise range prediction, therefore boat trips can easily be planned priorly. When driving calmly and in good weather, it is possible to drive the ship using only the energy of the sun. 

Overall, the benefits of electric propulsion are undeniable and will make a significant impact on the marine industry for good.


55 ft full electric catamaran


Introduction Omega Grey